Sunday, September 18, 2011

And the winner is...

...Maribel Encarnacion at I Love Scrapping! Congratulations Maribel, you are the winner of my first blog candy giveaway! I will be e-mailing you with the details, you have one week to claim your prizes. :)

I would just like to give a HUGE thank you to everyone that participated! I reached my goal of 200 followers, yay! (It may say 199, but I have had multiple people tell me the 'follow' button was not working).  Thank you so much to anyone who passed along the giveaway to their friends, posted about it on their blog, or liked the Made Especially For You Facebook page. And of course, thanks to my new followers, I so appreciate you taking the time to stop by, I promise I'll make it around to all of your blogs, too! :)

I would love to do another giveaway once I am close to reaching 300 followers. It was so fun and went by so fast! Happy three month blogaversary, Made Especially For You! :)

I'll return to regular posting later today (I wanted to announce the winner as close to midnight as possible). Stay tuned for storytime crafts, sparkly cards, and a design team call!



Thanks so much for taking the time to comment! Please leave your blog address so I can visit you, too! :)