Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Cupcakes Galore

Hello crafty friends! I hope you all are having a great week. :) My storytimes have been going really well lately. There have only been a few kids at each session (our evening storytimes unfortunately are nowhere near as popular as are morning storytimes) it's been the perfect amount for a beginning storytime coordinator. :) I'm going to share with you the past two weeks of storytime crafts that the kids and I have done. 

The first craft I'm going to share with you is based on the story Little Mouse and the Big Cupcake. This story is so adorable, you should definitely read it if you have the chance! :) 

For the craft we each made our own cupcakes and decorated them by first coloring them with crayons and then using a glue stick to apply glitter for the sprinkles. This was the first time using glitter for many of the kids, so they had a lot of fun with this. Unfortunately I don't have pictures of their creations to share with you, but I do have a picture of the sample cupcake I made:

For a transition activity between the story and the craft, I created a matching game for the kids to play using the felt board. I made mini versions of the cupcakes they decorated and created them so that they can be matched in three different ways: by the bottom paper color, the frosting color and the sprinkles. It was too hard to tell the differences between the sprinkle colors in the pictures, so I'm just going to show you the other ways they can be matched.

In this picture all of the cupcakes are matched by the bottom paper color. The sprinkles don't look very fun in this picture, but I promise they are when you see them in person! :)

In this picture the cupcakes are matched by the color of their frosting. The kids had so much fun moving the cupcakes around so that they matched! 

Thanks so much for reading! Do any of you have fun storytime crafts you've made in the past? I'd love to hear your ideas!


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