Thursday, May 10, 2012

Thursday Craft 'n Chat - Martha Stewart Butterfly Punches

Welcome to this week’s edition of Thursday Craft 'n Chat. Every Thursday will feature a different crafty tip/technique from one of the Made Especially For You design team members. Click here to view last week's technique for making mini hand sanitizer gifts. This week, Pam is going to share how to make mini hand-sanitizer gifts. 

Welcome to my first Thursday Craft 'n Chat. Today, I am going to be using two Martha Stewart butterfly punches. I am using her single butterfly punch and the fabulous butterfly border. I truly love them and I hope that you find my explanation of these two punches helpful.

The single punch is fairly clear on how to use it, so I am going to focus on the butterfly edge. This punch cuts out a strip of butterflies and does not just punch the edge of your card, as you will see in the next set of photos.

As you can see, this punch as wings that extend out with matching designs on each side, so it makes it pretty easy to match up your pattern and comes out perfectly each time.

Here you can see the process of cutting out the strip and how it totally cuts it away from the paper. On the wing of each side, you match the cut strip with the smaller butterfly like I have done here to get the next cut. 

And here are the finished products. These punches are so precise that if you follow the design you will get a perfect cut every time. So now it is time for the finished product, my card:

I hope this has been helpful. I love the effects these punches have to offer.



  1. I love punches too, but do not use them very often. I need to start!

    Carson's Creations

  2. wow so beautiful I have the Martha Stewart butterfly and stamp set it's my go to when I need a little something extra on a card. Love your little ticket.


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