Saturday, July 21, 2012

Do You Speak Cricut Saturday - Designer's Calendar

Welcome to this week’s edition of Do You Speak Cricut Saturday. Every Saturday will feature a different Cricut cartridge review from one of the Made Especially For You design team members. This feature was added to the blog in order to give potential cartridge buyers a better idea of what each cart has to offer. Click here to view last week's Hoot 'n Holler cartridge review.

Today, Pam from Scrappin' Fab Pam is going share with you her review of the Designer's Calendar cartridge.

I think this is my most used cart. My sister, our friend, and myself use these every
month to make our new, monthly scrapbook page. It has been really fun creating for not 
only myself, but matching ones for them.

With two different fonts and coordinating shadows, you don't have to limit yourself to just calendars - the creative possibilities are endless! The overlay sheet is easy to use and gives you the option of making up to an 8" calendar grid, and also the months and days of the week. It also includes coordinating images for major holidays throughout the year. I have been using this cart for over a year now and have found NOTHING that I do not like about it. Let me show you some of the calendar pages I have created...

What we do is make the calendar page and then send the remaining scraps along with each other so we can all coordinate the matching page with some of the same colors and patterns. The middle photo is for June, I did both sides since the other two didn't have the dies or the right colors to match, so I gave them both sides. 

Like I said, I really love the cartridge and if you're a scrapbooker who likes to keep track of the months you have done things, this is a perfect way to do it. I hope that you enjoyed my designs enough to inspire you to go out and purchase this cart. :) Have fun!



  1. Pam, this is a great cartridge. I've never used it to create a calendar (only the images which are great). These look great! Thanks for the reminder. I love this segment because it reminds us to use those carts we bought!

  2. I have this cart too. I think it is really versatile , I have used it for the images and also the calendar feature for a baby layout using the ultra sound pics and highlighting the due date. Your calendar look awesome.



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