Sunday, November 4, 2012

Out With The Old and In With The New!

There has been a lot that has gone on this past week and I felt it was time to make some necessary changes to Made Especially For You. I'm going to try and be as brief as I can but I hope you can handle reading my babbling. :)

Over this past summer I took on the hefty challenge of being on 8 design teams while managing one of my own. It was definitely fun, but a lot of work! When the semester began in August (I'm studying to become an elementary school teacher) I decided to resign from a few of the teams so that I could focus on school and not having to meet so many deadlines. Recently, one of the design teams I chose to stay on, My Cricut Craft Room, began to have some issues and I did not comfortable being part of a team that completely misrepresented a blog, store, and business, and so I decided to resign. It is with this resignation that I decided to make some changes to my own blog and crafty life.

For starters, as some of you may have noticed, my blog got a complete makeover! Thanks to Stacy from Vampire Crafts. :) I was on planning on publishing the makeover at the start of the new year but decided not to wait since I was too excited, lol! Plus it fits in nicely with the upcoming changes. :)

Aside from running the MEFY challenges and my other challenge blog, Red Carpet Studio, I actually only serve on one design team, and that is the Go Fish Challenge Blog. I love their challenges and will continue to serve on their team until my term expires at the end of December. After that my crafty attention will be focused on managing my challenge blog and creating for FUN. After being on so many design teams (which has been such an awesome experience) I realize I missed creating projects for fun and being able to enter other challenges, since having to create so many DT projects left no time for other projects. I'm really looking forward to being able to craft for fun and to play along in other challenge blogs for the first time!

I should also mention that as of the week before Christmas Made Especially For You will no longer be hosting weekly challenges. Up until then, though, we will continue with our regular challenges and prizes. :) I started hosting challenges to get a feel for what it would be like to run a challenge blog and since I've found that I really enjoy it, I started Red Carpet Studio, also earlier than planned. I am sad about ending the challenges but am also excited to give my blog a more personal feel like it had when I started it a year and a half ago. Having one less DT to manage will also give me more time to stop by and comment on all of YOUR blogs, which I am very happy about. :) With my hectic schedule I hardly have time to comment on your blogs and feel terrible about it, so that is going to change. :)

For those of you who have entered my 600 follower giveaway (if you haven't and would like to - click the picture on the left hand sidebar to enter) I will be adding some more items to the bundle (yay!) and posting updated photos of what's included, hopefully this week! I am so thankful for all of my followers !

Thank you for bearing with me! With the holidays coming up I have some projects I am planning to make and can't wait to share with you now that I have the time! If you leave a comment on this post I promise I will leave a comment on your blog's too (that's not a bribe, I promise :) - it's one of my new rules as a Blogger. Everyone deserves some commenting love!

Have a great day!


  1. Good for you! Glad to hear that you're taking 'me time' and getting back to the heart of crafting....FUN.



  2. The makeover looks great Ashley!! Love the colors

  3. OMG! Girl I can't believe you are on so many team, plus work and then run two challenge blogs. Where do you get the energy????? I think it is time for you to step back and take a deep breath! I am with you 100%. Have a great week.

  4. Your blog makeover looks fabulous Ashley! Best of luck with all the changes coming your way :o)

  5. Crikey, I dont know how you found the time to do 8 DT's and your won blog. Good for you with yoru studying. xxx

  6. Wow!!! LOVE IT!!! This is an AWESOME change!!! Out with the old, in with the NEW is right! And I say to BRING ON THE FUN! ;)

    And HOLY COW, 8??? You gotta be Wonder Woman cause I could BARLY keep up with 4!

  7. great new blog look! congrats on back to school.. good luck!
    Now that I too, have some free time.. will check out the challenges... and the Red Carpet Studio..
    Janet Royer

  8. Awesome new look! Congratulations on makes your changes. I know change has it pros and cons, but you are off to a great start! I'm here to support you!!

    Tess Hilton

  9. Your makeover looks great. And good luck with school... that's the things that needs lots of time (I've been there, just 5 years ago)...

  10. Love the new look Ashley! I wish you all the best in your new path forward.
    Three Waters Creations

  11. Great new look! I love it. Oh and yes, everyone loves a little commenting love.


  12. Love the new look!! I'm excited to see where you go with your blog :)


  13. Ashley I love your new blog look. I understand everything you are saying. It's all about having fun and enjoying crafting.


  14. Hi Ashley...I love the new look and completely understand your decision to get back to creating for FUN! That was a real issue for me as well, so stepping down from my 10 DT's and taking a break has been good for the soul. I too will be getting back to creatinf for FUN! Thank you again for the opportunity to be on your DT, I enjoyed it! Good luck and keep in touch.


Thanks so much for taking the time to comment! Please leave your blog address so I can visit you, too! :)