Monday, November 26, 2012

Sunshine Blogger Award

I'm very excited to announce that I am a proud recipient of the Sunshine Blogger Award! Thanks so much, Sandra, for passing it on to me - you're so sweet! :)

Here are the rules for the Sunshine Award:
1. Include the award logo in your post (check!)
2. Thank the blogger who gave it to you and link back to them (done!)
3.) Answer 10 questions about yourself that you have come up with (see below!)
4. Nominate up to 10 bloggers and let them know (on my way!)

1. When did you start crafting?
I started "seriously" crafting about a year and a half ago... but I have always been a crafter in some way, shape, or form. When I was kid my favorite thing to make was giant cards made out of poster boards for my friends' birthdays!

2. What's your favorite color?
Maroon :)

3. What's one fun fact about yourself?
I can't wink my right eye... only my left one. Oh, and I can't whistle.

4. What is your occupation?
I currently work two part-time library jobs but am studying to become an elementary school teacher.

5. What's your favorite food?
That's a tough one... anything salty/sweet!

6. Do you have any pets?
I have one dog named Cody, he's a soft-coated wheaten terrier and such a sweetheart.

7. What's your favorite part about blogging?
Being able to share the projects I've made with other crafters and being inspired by all the gorgeous work I see. :)

8. What are your favorite items to craft with?
Oooh! Anything sparkly... and my Cricut of course! 

9. What do you like to do when you're not crafting?

I love to read, and baking is fun, too!

10. Have any obsessions?
Paper, paper, and more paper!

Now to pass this award on to 10 fabulous bloggers....

Stacy from Vampire Craftin - For designing my awesome blog layout!

Tonya from Scrapping Fun with Tonya - For always being so helpful! 

Beckie from Just B Creative Crazy - For helping kick off the Made Especially For You challenges!

And as a whole... I would like to pass this award on to all of my design team members... Even though I'm so sad our challenges are coming to an end, I am so, so, grateful to have had the opportunity to work with and get to know everyone! They are such a fabulous team and their creations each week leave me in awe because of how gorgeous they always are! Not to toot my own horn or anything - but they're one of the most talented design teams I've ever seen!

Cyndy from Arcy Scraps
Jessica from Craftin' and Stampin'

A big thanks to each and every one of you!


  1. Thanks so much, Ashley!

    Be blessed, Beckie

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  3. You are welcome Ashley, you deserve this award!
    Hugs Sandra

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