Thursday, May 23, 2013

Summer To-Do List :)

Hi! Now that my semester is over (finally - woo hoo!) and I'm officially on summer break, I thought it would be fun to make a Summer To-Do List and share it with you all! It'll also be nice to refer back to this post as motivation if I ever fall behind on my goals. :) 

  1. Craft my little heart out. My goal is to craft something every day, even if it's just coloring an image or putting finishing touches on a project. I already try to craft as much as possible, but I know as I get further into my education and closer to receiving my degree, my workload will increase, and I want to craft as much as I can before my time is limited.
  2. Start Project Life! I bought my PL kit back in March during an HSN special, and have been craving playing with it ever since! I knew I wouldn't have time until the summer, but couldn't pass up the deal. I'm looking forward to searching for PL inspiration and getting started on some pages!
  3. Complete my online Copic class. I'm getting Copic certified in June (both Standard & Intermediate - yay!) but purchased a serious of online Copic courses to practice working on new techniques. It's a series of 30 different lessons, and I would love to complete each lesson and document them for future reference. I'll be sure to share!
  4. Submit cards for publishing! I think it's finally time I work up the nerve to submit some cards and projects to magazine calls. You never know if you don't try, right?
  5. Get organized. I'd love to work out some new craft storage ideas to make the most out of my tiny crafty area. I think I've done a pretty good job so far, but know there's always room for improvement.
  6. Clean up my laptop. I have so many old files and photos that I no longer need anymore. My files and folders are in dire need of a deep cleaning! Time to get rid of those virtual dust bunnies.
  7. Work on my marketing skills. I'd love to learn more efficient ways to promote myself and my blog through other social media networks. I've done a bit of reading already, but am looking forward to learning more.
  8. Try new recipes! Whenever I can spare a few minutes to hop on Pinterest, I always find mouthwatering recipes (usually sweets and desserts) that I can't help but pin and drool over. I'd love to finally try some of those out.
  9. Exercise. So that after I make and devour all those yummy sweets, I can burn them off. :) I've been going on bike rides lately and really enjoy it, I can do about 6 miles in 40 minutes. I'd love to get a regular routine in place and keep up with it.
  10. Enjoy life. I'm all about embracing the little things, and over the course of this past year or so I've finally started focusing on myself and what makes me happy, and I can't even begin to describe how amazing it feels.
So there you have it, my summer to-do list. I hope to look back at this post in mid-August or so and see that I've accomplished everything. One of the best feelings is accomplishing a goal!

What's on your summer to-do list? :)


  1. What a great summer list. I did this last year and should refer back to it so I can see what I accomplished and what I still need to work on. I have two more weeks then it will be my summer break. Yippee!

  2. Ashley this is awesome, but right now I have to be realistic and know that I will be having surgery on my shoulder again..So not going to a list that I know I can't even come close to..However, I would like to know where you found the online copic classes.. Could you share.

    I wish you all the best in your quest to complete your summer list..


    1. Hi Pam! Here's a link to the website where I found the classes. I chose to purchase the Copic Coloring Bundle to get all 3 Copic classes. Each class comes with ten lessons and at least one digi per lesson. It's self-paced and has tons of good techniques. :)

  3. Really great idea Ashley. For my own experience, I did just like you before graduating I sewed and crafted my little heart out as much as possible, it is also what kept me sain all the way through grad school! Then as you said work and life takes over, so starting good habits now is a very good idea. Good luck.

  4. That is a great summer list Ashley!! I am going to check into the online copic classes!!

  5. I have bookmarked the online page ( really difficult to get a copic class in uk - especially if you live in the sticks like me!) Thanks xx
    Good luck with all your "to do's"


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