Sunday, January 19, 2014

Project Life: Weeks 2 & 3

Wow! Time is certainly flying by. As some of you know, I'm a student studying to become an elementary school teacher (this time next year I'll be student teaching and preparing to graduate). This semester I am taking 9 classes which equals 21 credit hours, and is considered an overload. Since the semester had started, crafting had been put on the back burner for a few weeks while I got settled into my new routine. Now that I have a better idea of my schedule I should be back to posting regularly, although not as often during previous semesters, but I'll make up for it in the summer. :)

This is my first year doing Project Life and I'm loving it! The only thing I'm having an issue with is developing a "style" but I know that comes with time and consistency. Since I didn't get around to sharing a spread last week, today I am sharing both Week 2 and Week 3 spreads.

*Warning: This post is photo heavy!*

Here's a look at Week 2:

Week 2 Highlights:
~ The new semester started two days late because of the extreme cold, with the windchill it was nearly -40 degrees!
~ My friend Danielle and I took some fun "first day of school" pictures
~ My friends and I played our favorite card game (which we call "Sammich") but it's better known as Egyptian Ratscrew (I think)
~ My sister came to stay with me for a night!

For Week 3 I decided to give a black and white layout a try. I really like how it turned out!

Week 3 Highlights
~ Lots of time spent with friends! 
~ Danielle and I had fun (well, as much fun as we could) in night class drinking Capri Suns
~ I got a free sweatshirt which I love, and myself, Danielle, and Ellerie took a "triplet" picture together
~ A group of us played Scattergories, one of my favorite games! Included is part of my score sheet
~ I got to bring one of my stuffed animals to class (oh, the life of an education major) and I chose to bring my penguin, Paulo

I am off to finish a birthday card for my mom (that'll be posted later this week) and then it's back to creating lesson plans! Right now I'm working on a science lesson plan involving a fossil activity. Fun, but tedious! Have a great rest of your weekend.


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