Wednesday, April 30, 2014

I'm Back!

My oh my, I cannot believe it has been about a month and a half since my last blog post. That is terrible. And I am so, so, so, sorry. Not one of these many days have past without me kicking myself for not having posted!

For those of you who don't know, I'm a student. I just finished up my junior year of college (well, technically as of Friday morning I will be finished) and this semester has been a giant whirlwind. As an elementary education major, I had to spend 80+ hours between three different classrooms, along with completing coursework for 21 credits (9 classes) worth of work. Talk about time consuming!

With that being said, my crafting unfortunately had to be put on the back burner. I've missed it SO much. I've made a couple small things here and there, but nothing substantial. Literally everything craft-related had been put on hold aside from teaching Copic classes. And even then, preparing for the classes was often stressful due to being on a time crunch. I also took back my two part-time library jobs, so that left little time on weekends to craft, which would be my normal creative time. 

But, the good news... I'm on summer vacation for the next three and a half months! Which means MUCH more time for crafting and to get back into the swing of all things crafty. Next semester will be busy as it is my last regular semester before student teaching, but my workload should be somewhat lighter than this semester. I am SO looking forward to a summer filled of crafting, coloring, and teaching classes, though I will still be working and taking a couple summer courses as well. 

This weekend will be spent getting my crafty area back into its organized self, between "living" in two places and teaching classes, a lot of my supplies are distraught and all over the place. These past few weeks have left me so anxious to get back to creating, not being able to has really taken it's toll on me, especially since I have been feeling very burnt out and stressed, and crafting is usually a major stress reliever for me. 

I have had projects planned for literally weeks and cannot wait to get started on them. I'll be back into regular card making, as well as catching up on Project Life, practicing coloring with Copics, and working on some decorations and gifts for my sisters' high school graduation party later this summer. I will also continue designing for The Scrapbooking Studio and Two Berry Creative

I am looking forward to a relaxing, creative summer and am excited to once again be a part of the blogosphere and checking out all of your projects as well! Thank you all for your patience and understanding! :)



  1. Wow, Ashley! That is all really insane; I'd be in the Loony Bin! How the HECK did you take 9 classes (and WHY? I must ask!)??!! Glad it's almost over for you, and you'll get to earn your much-needed-&-well-deserved break!


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