Saturday, June 18, 2011

Chipboard Bundle Purchase

I made a Hobby Lobby run after work today in search for materials to make a Father's Day card (I admit, I did procrastinate) and ended up purchasing this awesome chipboard bundle along with some patterned paper to use for the card (I'll post pictures later once it's finished).

I don't have much experience with chipboards, but they're something I've wanted to work with for a while, and when I saw this HUGE bundle for only $9.99, I couldn't pass it up and figured I could somehow incorporate them into my Father's Day card (or at least that's how I justified the purchase :)

Here's a picture of the bundle (made by The Paper Studio) before I opened it:

The details are extremely hard to read because I don't have a good camera and the lighting in my room isn't all that great either (I'm working on it!) but basically what's included are 10 sheets of uppercase alphas, 10 sheets of lowercase alphas, (both uppercase and lowercase came in red, pink, orange, yellow, green, blue, purple, brown and black) 1 sheet of numbers in black, 1 sheet of symbols in black, 2 sheets of icons and 2 sheets of words. The symbols and icons are pictured below.

In both pictures the sheet on the right is identical to the sheet on the left, just in a paler shade. It came that way, it's not my crappy lighting :) Anyways, I felt this was a great deal and I'm excited to add it to my collection. I love purchases that I know will last me a while and have aspects (such as many colors) that can be used for cards of any occasion.

Do you like using chipboards? Feel free to post links to any of your creations that include them, I would love to be inspired!


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