Friday, June 17, 2011


Hey everyone, welcome to my blog, Made Especially For You! My name is Ashley, and I'm currently a college student residing in Sycamore, Illinois. I've always enjoyed making cards and other crafts, no matter the occasion. After starting my part-time job last summer, I was finally able to start financially supporting my hobby. The purpose behind this blog is to share with you my creations, crafting tips, and product reviews. Feedback is always greatly appreciated, I'm super excited to hear your comments/opinions and also learn from your crafting experiences as well. :)

I'm going to try my best to post something each day, but with classes and work sometimes my schedule gets a little hectic. Please bear with me as I'm off to a slow start, I promise it will get better! :)



  1. Thanks for your sweet comments on my scrapbook pages. I look forward to seeing what you post and have become your very first follower! ~ Blessings

  2. Good luck with your new blog! Blogging is a lot of fun. I can't wait to see what you post. Thanks for sharing your link.

  3. Congrats on your new blog! You will love blogging! It is so much fun! I'll be sure to drop back by whenever I can to see your posts. Looking forward to it! And thanks for visiting my blog! :)

  4. heyyi! :) thanks for visiting my blog and leaving that wonderful comment:)
    blogging is sooper fun..welcome! :D
    hope to see some updates from you.. following your blog rightaway! :)
    happy blogging girl....enjoy! :)

  5. Aw, thank you all so much! You have no idea how much I appreciate your follows and welcomes! :) I'm so excited to get started, I plan on posting VERY soon, I promise!


  6. Welcome to the world of blogging! It's super fun and I am sure you'll enjoy it. I can't wait to see more of your creations. I am your newest follower (not sure why my picture isn't showing though). Happy blogging.


  7. Hi Ashley, Congrats on your new blog, looks great! thanks for following my blog, very much appreciated. I am your 20th follower!! Add yourself to my blog candy, there are lots of card making stuff in it, maybe you will be one of the lucky 2 winners. I am looking forward to more of your work. Greetings from greece,



Thanks so much for taking the time to comment! Please leave your blog address so I can visit you, too! :)